
If you live in Defiance, OH or the surrounding areas, give us a call and discover the difference we can make for your case.

gavel with scales
Men shaking hands

Criminal Law

Felonies, Misdemeanor and Traffic offenses


Citizens have constitutional rights and liberties that must be respected even if they are accused of wrong-doing. These rights and liberties are threatened most in the criminal justice system, where an individual’s expectation of privacy clashes with the government’s role in protecting the public and prosecuting crime. When choosing legal representation, you should choose an attorney who has experience in dealing with prosecutors and law enforcement, and one who has jury trial experience.


Sealing of Criminal Records


Ohio law allows “first offenders” to seal – or expunge – certain crimes from their record. You should consult with an attorney to determine whether you are eligible to seal your criminal record.

Call now for the reliable legal representation you need:

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